Raw Honey is Good for You

Raw honey is good for you, for centuries raw honey has been used for medicinal purposes. In ancient Egypt it was used as a preservative and a topical dressing for deep wounds and sores. We interact a spread of third parties to offer services and provide enterprise help functions for us - Buy raw honey online.

Raw honey is good for you and it does have more calories than white sugar. Honey is three times sweeter than white sugar and one tablespoon full contains approximately sixty four calories, whereas one tablespoon of sugar has only forty six calories.

On the other hand raw honey that has been unheated and unfiltered contains about one hundred and eighty different compounds that are beneficial to the honey bees themselves and to both man and animal alike - Natural Honey.

Raw honey is about eighty percent carbohydrates, eighteen percent water and the rest contains trace minerals and vitamins that are important to the well being of mankind. Compare that with table sugar and you tell me, which is better for you? For more information, please visit our site https://geohoney.com/

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